12 January 2010

"Lost" -1 Obama- 0

This February marks the return of the ABC hit drama/sci-fi show "Lost". I was a fan from day one and can't tell you how exciting the final season has made me (it is the little things really). Now I watch episodes online the day after they air. So I had no idea that the State of the Union address had been a threat to the season premiere. If I had known I would have reacted badly.
Obviously I am in the majority here. The CSM article puts it thus:

"when Feb. 2 popped up as a possible date, Facebook and Twitter fan groups revolted. One group, “Americans Against the State of the Union Address on the same night as LOST,” got huge traffic, as did the Twitter hashmark #NoStateOfUnionFeb2."

To me the CSM seems to be arguing that America would rather be "Lost" then face the realities of our nation. I disagree. I think that people are fed up with the government interfering and taking control of things. I think they understand that the State of the Union moving is purely political and that the speech itself rarely results in anything. Should everything shift to accommodate such an event? I don't think so, and neither do they.

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