09 November 2010

Remembering President Bush

Matt Lauer just interviewed President George W. Bush. Remember him? He was president of the United States for 8 years. Kinda controversial... ring a bell? Well if it is a bit hard for you to remember don't feel bad. According to this article in Slate, despite President Bush's epically low approval ratings, the Bush legacy did not make an impact on the recent election.
Since he left office in 2008 President Bush has fallen off the American radar but this week he is back. First with an interview with Matt Lauer and later this week with the release of his memoir "Decision Points".
I "grew up" with the Bush presidency. Many of the events from the aughts define my generation. Everything else about President Bush aside, I am really interested to see if this will be a change in how he handles his public relations. I always felt that Bush suffered from an inability to explain his reasoning to the American people. I also felt that it was a mistake that he never admitted to making mistakes. So I am very interested to see if the memoir is an honest reflection or just a bid to establish the "right" storyline in history.
I haven't seen the entire interview but here is the first 8 minutes

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