09 November 2010

On Hotels and Hostels

I am by no means a world traveler but I get around. I have been to at least a dozen countries and lots of places around the U.S. In my travels I am always looking to save money. In Europe and Mexico that translated into staying in hostels and various budget accommodations. Some were clean and comfortable, others not so much.
I can still remember the small 7 room motel me and a friend stayed in our first night in Mexico. The bathroom was on the other side of the courtyard and the beds were rock hard. But it was pretty clean- although in the morning we discovered ants all over our stuff. Of course we just laughed it off, because it was part of the "experience". In fact I have stayed in a lot of odd places in the name of savings and experience.
But I only attempt such daring sleeping arrangements when I am out of America. While visiting L.A. a few months back I was surprised to see a hostel on Hollywood Blvd. When searching for a hotel I hadn't even considered a hostel. Instead I had used my Priceline ninja skills to get a deal at a nearby Marriott. And to be honest even that was a little overpriced.
Now I am road triping across the U.S. with no real plan for each stop (which sidelines my Priceline skills). The cheap person in me refuses to pay more than I have too, so I have been trying my luck at less expensive options.
The last two nights my choices have been clean, cheap, and loud. No different from many of the places I have stayed overseas. However I have not been relishing in the "experience". To be honest, I have been a little scared. Part of it is being single and alone. Part of it is having a car full of my earthly possessions. But I believe the biggest issue are my own prejudices.
I somehow equate cheap with seedy. I imagine that the people here must be dangerous for some reason. That people that have less money to spend on a hotel are somehow dishonest. I question where I picked up these ideas. I know many honest and poor people. I know for a fact that my Grandpa stayed in similar hotels all his life. Despite logically knowing all this I can't stop myself from double locking my doors.
Perhaps this says more about my own fears then the hotels themselves?

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