26 April 2010

Eruptions in History

In honor of the awesomeness of Iceland's baby volcanoe raining on everyones parade I give you this article from the Christian Science Monitor.
Most interesting to LDS is the following:

April 10, 1815

The Tambora eruption was the largest in modern history. According to the Global Volcanism Program, it was the only eruption in at least 1,000 years to rate a VEI 7.

The eruption of Mt. Tambora in what is now Indonesia cast a veil of ash around the world, lowering global temperatures by more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The result was the "year without a summer" in 1816. A foot of snow fell in Quebec City, Quebec, in June. Crops failed worldwide in what historian John Post called "the last great subsistence crisis of the Western world."

The eruption is also tangentially credited with the invention of the bicycle, as the cost of maintaining horses rose, both because of the cost of oats and the death of many horses."

1816 was the same year that the Smith family was forced to move to New York due to the bad harvest. So a geological event half way around the world directly contributed to Joseph being in Palmayra.

Cool right?

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