29 September 2011

Book Review: Kidnapped

So Kidnapped goes down as my second book that I didn't complete.
All my life I thought of Kidnapped as a book about a boy that visited exotic tropical lands with pirates and adventure. Given that the book is about an English orphan displaced to Scotland, I think I was probably confusing it with Treasure Island.
There were three things that caused me to stop reading this book.
1-Uncommon vocabulary-I am talking random words that I couldn't even guess the meaning of.
2-Bland Subject- There was a lot of walking going on and talking. In someways it was like Catcher In The Rye.
3-Unlikeable hero- Despite getting halfway through the book I really didn't care for the main character. In fact I can't even remember his name!
I wanted really badly to like this classic novel. But in the end I stopped reading it in favor of God is Not One. A facinating book that I am going to write about soon.
Recommendation: Skip this one. Read Gulliver's Travels instead.

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