21 December 2009

The Enemy of Good Enough

I love the quote "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough." Because while there is nothing wrong with striving to be perfect, too often it becomes a road block. I like this post on Get Rich Slowly, in it J.D. relates this principle to financial planning.
The same applies in life. When we beat ourselves up for not being perfect we fail to see that we are good enough.
And good enough is a heck of a lot better than nothing at all.


Marcee said...

I'm excited to read the whole series, but the perfection one was great (especially for the hubster)! I wonder what the Reynosos think. Keep posting cool things!

Teresa / Andy said...

I just read somewhere about the difference between aiming for perfection and seeking excellence, and how the latter is a much healthier and better way to approach life. I'm a slowly recovering perfectionist myself, and it made a lot of sense to me!