09 December 2008

Feed Me!

In the theme of expounding on the wonders of the Internet I wanted to introduce RSS Feeds. I had noticed the little icon on web pages and heard about feeds but I didn't really understand how to use them. I finally got curious and looked into it. What I found was a fantastic way to experience the Internet.
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication but don't worry about remembering that. Like Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) or Uniform Resource Locator (url) it really only makes sense to programmers. What you do need to remember is that RSS feeds give you the ability to view updates to your favorite blogs and websites all in one place.
To use RSS feeds you need a website that has a feed and a feed reader. For those with a Gmail or a Google account Google Reader is a quick and easy solution. Pick a blog or favorite website and look for the RSS icon. Click on it and then click subscribe (see the video below for visuals).
When you subscribe to an RSS feed you are signing up to be notified when new things are posted. These updates are then sent to your reader. Once you subscribe to all your favorite sites your reader becomes the only stop you have to make on the Internet.
I use my reader to keep up on all my friends blogs, learn about travel deals, get my daily workout, and read thought provoking content. It also gives you the ability to organize and share your information. You can use keywords to tag articles and share articles with friends. This has been great for Melisa and me as we prepare for our Europe trip. When I find an interesting article about travel I share it with her. When she gets onto her reader she can read it even if she isn't subscribed to the same feed.
In short RSS feeds are a fantastic way to organize the Internet. If you don't have one I recommend trying it out. Why not try subscribing to this blog for instance!


David said...

I just read this comment on my Google Reader. Weird...

David said...

I mean...post...not comment.