26 April 2009

The Trouble with Computers

I love technology; except when I don't. I had a rough draft for a stellar post. It was all about the documentary "Maxed Out". My thoughts and frustrations. However when I left my laptop it self-restarted because it self-updated and my entry didn't self-save.

The computer while a great invention can be frustrating and annoying. Maybe I get disappointed because I expect to much from them. If I lowered expectations I would probably be better off.

Since I am going to re-write my "Maxed Out" review later. I will just leave you with some great commentary on the foibles of technology.

Maybe I should get a Mac?
Course this one makes a good point...

11 April 2009

Happy Easter

I hope your Easter is peaceful and reflective. To help with that see the video below.

Leading A More Productive Life

Wanted to share this blog post. It is from a blog I read regularly and it has some great observations about accomplishing goals. I see it as an explanation for why we always make the same New Years Resolutions or why some things are always on the "to-do" list. It is long but is well worth the time.

International vs Local

This video is a short lecture on international news coverage. I found it interesting as a geographer and it brought up some interesting questions. See below for my commentary.

Initially I was excited about the presenters use of maps. As a geography major I am keenly aware of how maps impact our perceptions. The news map did an excellent and powerful job of conveying her initial point. As she delved deeper into her topic I found myself agreeing with her. When I did a regional news study on the South Asian region I had a very hard time getting anything detailed. This despite the then new eruption of civil war in Sri Lanka and Nepal. But as she talked about local news coverage a thought began to pound at my brain.

"Is it really that important to be informed on world news?"

In college I would have emphatically said yes. Now I wonder. For thousands of years humans across the planet lived and died knowing very little about the wider world. Even with our increased communications and transportation most people confine their daily life to a small geographic area. An earthquake in Italy might be interesting but it doesn't really impact those living in Utah. However an Amber alert or news of road construction is important and useful information.

So what is the role of news? What is fit to print? These are questions I could probably answer if I had ever taken a journalism class. But for now I will just have to think on it.

A Change in Style

It was brought to my attention that to have a blog and to be a blogger are two very different things. Currently I have a blog but I am not a blogger. Mostly this is because I haven't figured out what kind of blogger I want to be. I do know that I don't want to be the type that seldom updates. I also don't want the blog to be all about my personal life. I do want it to be informative and interesting. A place where my friends can learn something.
So in my quest for a blogger birth I am going to start experimenting with different types of entries. Feel free to tell me what you like and what falls flat.